Board :Poetry
Author :Archon Poems
Subject :Revels to Riches  ((2/24/2023))
Date :2/19
Revels to Riches  ((2/24/2023))

Revels to Riches is a weekly Poetry Event, which is open to all members of the community. You are invited to share your poetry and participate in the Revel. There will be SIX places awarded for the top poems, with prizes consisting of legend marks and karma.

<b>          Theme: "Secret agent"

Duration: February 19th, 2023 - February 24th, 2023
Entries due by 5 pm PST/8pm EST, Friday, February 24th, 2023
Winners posted: By Sunday, February 26th, 2023                    

* Do NOT use names of real characters.
<b>* You must SIGN your character's name at the bottom
 of your entry, or it might be disqualified. Poems will not
  contact player to sign the entry. It is your responsibility
  to submit your poem signed at bottom.  

<b>Rules of Revels:

1. All entries must be received by 8 pm EST on Friday to be counted.

2. Entries are accepted only from currently registered characters.  Late entries will not be accepted (for instance: 8:01 pm EST is late and will NOT be judged.  There are normally, but not limited to, five days to submit poems).

NOTE:  Entries cannot be submitted on behalf of another character either present, past, or current characters.  If such an entry is received it will be considered PLAGIARIZED.  ((See Plagiarism notes on the following post)).

3. A total of SIX places will be awarded for each Revel. The judges' decisions in this matter are final: One First place, One Second place, and Four Honorable Mentions.
4. Entries must be no longer than 60 lines.  These 60 lines do not include the title or spacing between paragraphs. See supplemental rules posted about the artwork and what constitutes a word.

5. All entries must be addressed to POEMS on the "TO:" line of your n-mail.  If an entry is sent to anywhere or to anyone other than "POEMS", the entry is disqualified  (It is your fault for not sending your entry to correct address).

6. Your poem MUST NOT appear on any Nexus board (community, clan, subpath, etc.) prior to the announcement of winners for that week. If it does, your entry will be disqualified.  You are welcome to post your poems only after the winners have been announced.

7. All entries must comply with all Nexus/Kru Inc. rules.

8. Entries must be "In Character".

9. Entries are not allowed to have any alcohol, drug, smoking or sexual references.

10. Your entry must not contain any unique personal information that may reveal your identities, such as clan title or personal title.

11. Poetry contest entries are no longer allowed to contain lines or characters not pertaining to the poem itself.  This includes all "ASCII", "artwork", "decorations" made by using assorted characters found on your keyboard. You may also avoid the use of bold <b> lines or design your poem in any way or form from a plain poem.  The contest entry should only include the poem content and signed with the EXACT name of the author/character at the bottom.
12. Only ONE entry per person.  (This is not per character but per person.  If you have four characters you may NOT send in an entry for each of them.  You are limited to one entry for all of your characters in all your accounts)


1. Submitting a plagiarized entry in the Poetry Revel mandates a "Serious Other Crime" jailing and lifetime revels and story contest ban.